Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spider House Poetry Slam

Most people in Austin already have heard or been to the Spider House Cafe.  For those who do not know it's a coffee shop/bar right near the UT campus. from the outside it looks like a old house lived in by a old woman ( who of course is crazy) and never cleans out the yard but instead stores everything out there. But yet when you enter you get a since of cheerful yet artistic cafe and even at times a little silly- I call it my wonderland.
 (picture: Of the outside seating of Spiderhouse)

I have been to Spiderhouse a million times but this wouldn't really be an adventure if it wasn't new - right?

This time I went to the new addition to spider house which is a little side bar that connects to a  huge room with a giant stage. Every Tuesday night 8pm - 11pm they throw a poetry slam - where the first prize winner wins $100 and after the slam there are local bands who play all night. I was amazed how talented the poets are with such conviction in their heart. I felt their pain, happiness, and angry. I went with a few friends and was one of the most enjoyable evenings I had in a long time. I recommend it highly if you are looking for something fun to do.
(picture: of a poet on the stage side of the addition)

Check out the details @ Spiderhouse Poetry Slam Facebook Link

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